Czech Media Analysis (2010-2017)

By |Published On: 21. 12. 2018|China's image in media, Data Analysis|
Czech Media Analysis

Altogether, the project subjected to an analysis 1257 Czech media outputs, published between 2010 and June 2017 on China in connection with economic and/or political issues. For the analysis, we selected 42 media which were most widely read, listened to or followed – dailies, weeklies with a political or economic focus, radio and TV stations and news servers. We analyzed both mainstream and alternative media, those that are public as well as privately owned, including media (co)owned by Chinese companies.

For the results of the analysis, please check the following infographics.

About the Author: MapInfluenCE

The MapInfluenCE project focuses on both China and Russia’s influence in Central Europe, specifically within the Visegrad nations of Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The comparative nature of the project enables identification of the strategies and tactics employed by China and Russia and discern the convergences and divergences in their respective approaches.