The European Union’s agreement to tentative terms on its Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with China is ruffling some feathers amongst the European public.

While the mixed, to put it mildly, reaction to the agreement has many contributing factors, one aspect might well be the public’s list of priorities that often clashes with the priorities of key EU policymakers. Luckily, the Central European Institute of Asian Studies (CEIAS) has its finger on the pulse of public opinion to spotlight such contrasts.

With a new, groundbreaking study, the institute has provided a country-by-country look at what Europeans think of China in the age of COVID-19 through extensive and unique polling data.

For a breakdown of the key findings with the MapInfluenCE analyst and CEIAS’s executive director Matej Šimalčík, tune into the podcast below. The stream is also available on Pocketcasts and Google Podcasts.