In the context of EU-Russia tensions and attention on security within Europe, what is the possibility of future trans-Atlantic cooperation on China and in the broader Indo-Pacific region?

Leader of MapInfluenCE Ivana Karásková discussed recent developments in EU-China relations and implications for the Sino-American bilateral relationship in a conversation with Matt Ferchen. Ivana emphasized that the EU’s position on China was already gradually shifting before the Russian invasion, in becoming more skeptical on economic cooperation, concerned about China’s domestic authoritarian turn as well as China’s growing international ambitions and their manifestations in the EU. Ivana also does not expect the 16+1 cooperation format to be resuscitated this year, as no CEE country has been willing to hold the annual summit. In addition, she also stressed that there is a potential of spillover of the stance on Russia into a more assertive stance towards China as well.

Listen to the whole podcast here or watch the discussion on Youtube.