Polish pro-Chinese & pro-Russian Media Analysis

The latest MapInfluenCE research project combines the experience gained from previous in-depth analyses of the portrayal of China in Central European media with expertise in the specific environment of alternative media, which are notorious for their pro-Russian or pro-Chinese leanings.
In the case of Poland, MapInfluenCE analyst Alicja Bachulska examined two major internet media outlets responsible for promoting Chinese and Russian state-backed narratives. These two outlets, China Radio International (CRI) Poland and Sputnik Poland peddle information beneficial to Beijing and Moscow respectively.
The following infographics are based on a detailed content analysis of the dataset comprising of China and pandemic-related commentaries published by Sputnik Poland and CRI Poland in 2020 and 2021.
Download the full paper here to get access to all the results of the study and the associated data.
Sputnik Poland
Compared to CRI Poland, Sputnik Poland’s coverage of COVID-19 in connection to China was considerably lacking behind. In the analyzed period, MapInfluenCE identified 50 pieces that met the project’s criteria when it comes to both the form (i.e. opinion pieces) and subject matter (i.e. China and COVID-19). A possible explanation is that Russia’s motivation to extensively engage in influencing Polish public opinion in connection to the pandemic was, at least initially, limited compared to China as the source of the pandemic.
When it comes to the most frequently discussed topics, the economic losses due to the pandemic (mentioned in 64 percent of all pieces), the US (58 percent), China’s domestic economic situation (48 percent), Beijing’s measures against COVID-19 (44 percent), Russia (28 percent), the EU (26 percent) as well as social problems (20 percent) and Sino-American trade war (20 percent) were among the most prominent ones.
China Radio International (CRI) Poland
As the source of the pandemic, China has been especially motivated to control the international coverage of COVID-19 and all related matters, which explains the focus of the state media coverage.
When it comes to the topics most frequently touched upon in CRI Poland’s commentaries on China and COVID-19, the most prominent ones included the US’ “Cold War mentality” (brought up in 68 percent of all pieces), the US’ decline (58 percent), WHO (46 percent), international cooperation (41 percent), stigmatization of China (40 percent), Beijing’s contribution to global stability (40 percent), China’s good practices on fighting the virus (35 percent), the unclear origin of the virus (34 percent), China as a victim of fake news (30 percent), Beijing’s help to developing countries (23 percent), US “anti-science attitude” (19 percent), Chinese vaccines as a global public good (15 percent) and the Fort Detrick conspiracy (10 percent).