Disinformation, information operations (InfoOps) and other non-kinetic hybrid threats continue to present a prominent threat to the Central European region. In response to these increasing challenges, unity between and action among civil society organizations and experts on the underlying issues are vital for building societal resilience. In particular, cross-border information sharing and offering of lessons to counterparts across regional divides constitute an important factor. 

As such, MapInfluenCE is proud to announce it signed a cooperation agreement with the Kosciuszko Institute (KI). MapInfluenCE will cooperate with KI in the fields of disinformation-related research and information campaigns, and assistance in outreach activities related to these pertinent topics.

The Kosciuszko Institute is a leading non-governmental and non-profit think tank and research institute based in Krakow, Poland. With a proven track record of research on various multifaceted issues of security, the Kosciuszko Institute is also the originator and organizer of the European Cybersecurity Forum – CYBERSEC, an annual conference dedicated to the strategic aspects of cyberspace. 

More information on our new partner and their important work is available here.