AMO Research Fellow Nikoleta Nemečkayová presented the results of her MapInfluenCE report on the positions of Slovak political parties on China and Russia-related issues in Bratislava. The expert closed door roundtable was organized in cooperation with Adapt Institute and was held ahead of the Slovak parliamentary elections with a far-reaching impact on the foreign policy direction of Slovakia. The roundtable was attended by a group of experts and stakeholders who discussed the different scenarios regarding the future trajectory of Slovak foreign policy.
MapInfluenCE Presentation in Bratislava
About the Author: MapInfluenCE

The MapInfluenCE project focuses on both China and Russia’s influence in Central Europe, specifically within the Visegrad nations of Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The comparative nature of the project enables identification of the strategies and tactics employed by China and Russia and discern the convergences and divergences in their respective approaches.