While the discussion on Huawei and Chinese influence on domestic politics retains a firm grip on public discourse in the wake of Czech Senate President Miloš Vystrčil’s visit to Taiwan, another pertinent clash of Eastern and Western interests might be overlooked. That battle involves Russia, China, and the United States in a battle over the energy policy of the Czech Republic, in particular its nuclear reactors.

The battle is crucial as Russia has traditionally been dominant in the nuclear energy space for the nation, while China has sought to expand its prestige internationally in the provision of high-tech energy exports. For Washington, this presents the thorny issue of having NATO allies become reliant upon Russia or, especially given the rhetoric of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on an increasingly adversarial China.

More complicated still, is the tug of war that is taking place at the highest levels of political power in the Czech Republic, which MapInfluenCE founder Ivana Karaskova highlights as an added wrinkle to the situation.

“Zeman and his advisors would not like to exclude China and Russia from the tender, and Babis needs the president’s supporters politically…At the same time, Babis is under significant pressure from the U.S. and other bidders.”

Karaskova on the tug of war between Prime Minister and President in Czechia

The full article explaining the issue is available on Foreign Policy.

Image source: TVA Web Team, Creative Commons