MapInfluenCE analyst Ivana Karásková was cited by euronews on the contentious issue of Russian and Chinese vaccines entering the Czech Republic. The issue is one that finds itself at the nexus of geopolitics, public health, economic recovery, and, in the case of the Czech Republic, domestic electoral politics.

Ivana Karaskova said that vaccine diplomacy provides a “great opportunity” for Beijing to improve its image in Central and Eastern Europe.

The fact that China will deliver vaccines to the Czech Republic, despite their public disputes over the past twelve months, signifies how well China is aware that it is losing ground in the region, she added.

Despite the risks of Chinese and Russian-made vaccines inflaming political tensions, it may be a risk worth taking for Babis and his ANO party, which rules as part of a minority government with the Social Democrats (CSSD), analysts say.

“It is an election year and Babis is desperate,” said Karaskova, referring to a general election set to take place in October.


Read the full article here.

Image Source: 2015 Christian Emmer/creative commons license