Analysis of China-Related Issues in Czech Media (2017-2020)

Czech Media Analysis

This project builds on previous extensive research performed by MapInfluenCE, which analyzed texts published by the Czech media about China in the period from 2010 to June 2017. The comprehensive study undergirded a discursive analysis of China’s media coverage in four Central European countries. The findings of this project contributed to the necessary shift in awareness of media vulnerabilities and integration of the media into European and national mechanisms for foreign investment screenings.

MapInfluence’s analysts subsequently expanded their research to the following period, from mid-2017 to 2020. As media attention focused on topics related to China significantly increased, the research focused closely on two key topics – Chinese investment and China’s potential involvement in building 5G networks.

As part of the analysis, 15 Czech media outlets were assessed, based on their popularity in the Czech audience in the considered period. Due to the fact that previous research mapped the sudden occurrence of positive sentiment on China-related topics after CEFC’s financial involvement in Empresa Media, TV Barrandov was also included in the media file, despite it not meeting the set criterion of maximum viewership. The dataset emanating from the research contains 787 texts on 5G networks and 674 texts on Chinese investments.

The results of the analysis are provided in the following infographics. The full detailed study providing context, interpretation of results and recommendations is available here.

Download the full comparative study

Chinese Investments

5G Networks

Interested in comparing the results with the situation in the other V4 countries? Check out the country analyses below.

About the Author: MapInfluenCE

The MapInfluenCE project focuses on both China and Russia’s influence in Central Europe, specifically within the Visegrad nations of Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The comparative nature of the project enables identification of the strategies and tactics employed by China and Russia and discern the convergences and divergences in their respective approaches.