Analysis of China-Related Issues in Slovak Alternative Media

The latest MapInfluenCE research project combines a detailed and years-long effort to map Chinese narratives in traditional media with specific knowledge of the Slovak alternative media environments. As such, the research contributes to the understanding of the confluence of China and Russia and their narratives in the information space in the region.

MapInfluenCE analysts have examined the depiction of China-related narratives on five specific topics (5G, Chinese investment, Hong Kong protests, Xinjiang, and Taiwan) in three Slovak alternative media – Hlavné správy, Hlavný denník, and Infovojna.

The following infographics are based on a detailed content analysis of the dataset consisting of 815 articles published by the alternative media outlets in the period from January 2019 to June 2021.

Download the full paper here to get access to all the results of the study and the associated data.

About the Author: MapInfluenCE

The MapInfluenCE project focuses on both China and Russia’s influence in Central Europe, specifically within the Visegrad nations of Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The comparative nature of the project enables identification of the strategies and tactics employed by China and Russia and discern the convergences and divergences in their respective approaches.