MapInfluenCE analyst Alicja Bachulska provides valuable insight into the ‘mask diplomacy’ of China amid the Covid-19 crisis in her paper; “Exploring China’s Diplomatic Offensive in Central and Eastern Europe Amidst its ‘Mask Diplomacy.” 

The paper examines the impact that Chinese overtures under the ‘mask diplomacy’ umbrella have had on Central Europe, and Europe more broadly as the regime seeks to retain a foothold and restore its image in the region.

Crucially, the paper explores the degree to which China has been able to shape the current situation to its advantage with such diplomatic efforts and where within Europe it is achieving the most success. Further, the paper notes where these efforts have instead garnered backlash. 

Based on the article’s thorough analysis of the situation, a clear picture of not only the Chinese elevated diplomacy efforts in Europe emerges, but the dividends (or lack thereof) they have paid in the region. As the endgame for both the pandemic and China’s diplomatic efforts remain uncertain, the paper offers an important glimpse into the reception Chinese diplomacy is garnering in Europe amid the ongoing battle for optics and influence.

Please reference as: Bachulska, Alicja 2020. “Exploring China’s Diplomatic Offensive in Central and Eastern Europe Amidst its ‘Mask Diplomacy’” Uncharted Territory: Emerging world order post Covid-19. Observer Research Foundation.

The policy paper is available for download here (pdf).